About us

[separator headline=”h3″ title=”BNB Sklad d.o.o. was established as a private (family) company in 1992.
From 1988 to 1992 we operated as a business named “Informatika”.”]

[one_half]We operate continuously and on a regular basis. We’ve never been blocked; we have no debts to the state, employees or suppliers. We do not have nor have we ever had disputes with business partners. We handle our business in real terms and we try not to charge into projects that we cannot finish.

Since the establishment, our core activity has been the development of business software and business consulting. Our clients are some of the biggest Croatian companies, foreign agencies, schools, municipalities, museums … Over the years we have offered, other than our own, also a full range of products and services in cooperation with several partner companies.
In 2012, we changed the focus of our activities from business software and information technology to business services, consulting and sales.

[/one_half] [one_half_last]In 2013, we achieved significant business growth. We negotiated contracts for our business partners worth more than 60 million HRK on an annual basis. We have changed the ownership structure and adjusted the registration and organization of the company’s new business orientation.

In 2014 we completed the process of harmonization of business operations according to ISO 9001 standards for mediation in sales and we received the certificate issued by TÜV Nord Croatia. We are still working on improving our services and quality of operations.
In the coming period, we are planning further significant business growth and new interesting products and services.

Join us!
Take part in our success and become our business partner.


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Aramon offers business and financial advisory services as well as management skills to meet the unique needs of small and medium-sized companies. Doing business in today’s environment requires numerous types of knowledge, quick decision-making and ability to process a series of complex and interdependent information. At the same time, business success is hard to achieve without a high level of cost competitiveness. Meeting these needs requires people who are the key asset to any company.

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